File list
From iProjekt
This special page shows all uploaded files. By default the last uploaded files are shown at top of the list.
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Name | User | Size | Description | Versions |
16:31, 22 June 2010 | Bubas_Radionica-ITI2010_Integration.pdf (file) | AuthorFOI | 669 KB | 1 | |
11:53, 22 June 2010 | Balaban_Google-docs.pdf (file) | AuthorFOI | 837 KB | 1 | |
10:49, 22 June 2010 | Table_-_categorization_of_e-tivities.doc (file) | AuthorFOI | 1.12 MB | 1 | |
10:47, 22 June 2010 | Bubas_Workshop_ITI-2010.pdf (file) | AuthorFOI | 496 KB | 1 | |
09:57, 7 June 2010 | Elgg.jpg (file) | AuthorFOI | 71 KB | 1 | |
09:56, 7 June 2010 | Mahara.jpg (file) | AuthorFOI | 89 KB | 1 | |
09:54, 7 June 2010 | Elgg-logo.jpg (file) | AuthorFOI | 6 KB | 1 | |
09:21, 7 June 2010 | Mahara.bmp (file) | AuthorFOI | 1.96 MB | 1 | |
09:21, 7 June 2010 | Logo_mahara.gif (file) | AuthorFOI | 6 KB | 1 | |
05:10, 28 May 2010 | E-aktivnosti_popis.doc (file) | AuthorFOI | 88 KB | 1 | |
04:40, 28 May 2010 | Bubas_Radionica-MIPRO_Integracija-2010.pdf (file) | AuthorFOI | 818 KB | 1 | |
04:09, 28 May 2010 | Bubas_Radionica-MIPRO-2010.pdf (file) | AuthorFOI | 1.4 MB | 1 | |
11:48, 24 May 2010 | Yodio_screen.jpg (file) | AuthorFOI | 109 KB | 1 | |
11:47, 24 May 2010 | Yodio_logo.gif (file) | AuthorFOI | 7 KB | 1 | |
11:18, 24 May 2010 | Stupeflix_screen.jpg (file) | AuthorFOI | 271 KB | 1 | |
11:18, 24 May 2010 | Stupeflix_logo.jpg (file) | AuthorFOI | 4 KB | 1 | |
10:30, 24 May 2010 | Poster_picture¸22.png (file) | AuthorFOI | 64 KB | 1 | |
10:16, 24 May 2010 | Poster_picture¸2.png (file) | AuthorFOI | 60 KB | 1 | |
14:41, 23 May 2010 | Masher_screen.jpg (file) | AuthorFOI | 135 KB | 1 | |
14:40, 23 May 2010 | Masher_logo.gif (file) | AuthorFOI | 6 KB | 1 | |
14:27, 23 May 2010 | Projectdraw_screen.jpg (file) | AuthorFOI | 188 KB | 1 | |
14:27, 23 May 2010 | Projectdraw_logo.gif (file) | AuthorFOI | 807 B | 1 | |
14:04, 23 May 2010 | Lucidchart_screen.jpg (file) | AuthorFOI | 164 KB | 1 | |
14:04, 23 May 2010 | Lucidchart_logo.png (file) | AuthorFOI | 5 KB | 1 | |
13:41, 23 May 2010 | Drawanywhere_screen.jpg (file) | AuthorFOI | 197 KB | 1 | |
12:57, 23 May 2010 | Drawanywhere_logo.png (file) | AuthorFOI | 23 KB | 1 | |
11:59, 21 May 2010 | Wisemapping_screen.jpg (file) | AuthorFOI | 355 KB | 1 | |
11:59, 21 May 2010 | Wisemapping_logo.jpg (file) | AuthorFOI | 3 KB | 1 | |
10:56, 21 May 2010 | Mindmeister_screen.jpg (file) | AuthorFOI | 229 KB | 1 | |
09:20, 21 May 2010 | Mindomo_screen.jpg (file) | AuthorFOI | 246 KB | 1 | |
09:04, 21 May 2010 | Mind42_screen.jpg (file) | AuthorFOI | 93 KB | 1 | |
17:13, 20 May 2010 | Zoho_screen.jpg (file) | AuthorFOI | 185 KB | 1 | |
13:38, 20 May 2010 | Inetword_screen.jpg (file) | AuthorFOI | 270 KB | 1 | |
14:01, 19 May 2010 | Mediawiki-editing-beta.png (file) | AuthorFOI | 77 KB | (New editing interface available in beta version of upcoming MediaWiki (visual approach in creating tables, embedded resources, bulleted lists, redirections, etc.)) | 1 |
12:35, 19 May 2010 | Mediawiki-editing.png (file) | AuthorFOI | 94 KB | (MediaWiki page editing interface - WYSIWYG components (basic formatting toolbar) and main window for manual editing.) | 1 |
11:04, 18 May 2010 | IT-Akademija_UNIRI_2.jpg (file) | AuthorFOI | 18 KB | 1 | |
08:16, 18 May 2010 | IT-Akademija_UNIRI.gif (file) | AuthorFOI | 27 KB | 1 | |
16:12, 16 May 2010 | ITI_2010.jpg (file) | AuthorFOI | 36 KB | 1 | |
16:05, 16 May 2010 | ICL-2009_Balaban.jpg (file) | AuthorFOI | 18 KB | 1 | |
15:56, 16 May 2010 | HUPE.jpg (file) | AuthorFOI | 22 KB | 1 | |
15:49, 16 May 2010 | Kovacic_Technikum-Wien.jpg (file) | AuthorFOI | 31 KB | 1 | |
13:45, 16 May 2010 | Autoscreenrecorder.png (file) | AuthorFOI | 97 KB | 1 | |
13:43, 16 May 2010 | Freez_Screen_Recorder.jpg (file) | AuthorFOI | 30 KB | 1 | |
13:39, 16 May 2010 | Free_Screen_Recorder.jpg (file) | AuthorFOI | 30 KB | 1 | |
02:29, 16 May 2010 | Camstudio_1.jpg (file) | AuthorFOI | 52 KB | 1 | |
02:29, 16 May 2010 | Camstudio_logo.jpg (file) | AuthorFOI | 17 KB | 1 | |
02:10, 16 May 2010 | Vixy_logo.jpg (file) | AuthorFOI | 2 KB | 1 | |
02:08, 16 May 2010 | Tubegrip_logo.jpg (file) | AuthorFOI | 10 KB | 1 | |
01:50, 16 May 2010 | Youtube_1.jpg (file) | AuthorFOI | 230 KB | 1 | |
01:45, 16 May 2010 | Youtube_logo.jpg (file) | AuthorFOI | 6 KB | 1 |
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