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== "Teaching with Web 2.0 Tools: Evaluation, Pedagogy and Integration Solutions" ==
In this section the '''e-tivities (online learning activities)''' for students are '''grouped into categories''' according to their ''potential function''. It must be noted that ''one specific e-tivity may serve various functions and be performed with more than one Web 2.0 tool''. Also, more traditional Internet tools like ''e-mail, instant messaging, forum, chat, and videoconferencing'' may also be used for the implementation of e-tivities, but the focus of our project was to present ideas and solutions that predominantly use Web 2.0 tools.
== Attention and motivation / Session openers  ==
[[Citation or interview]]
[[Funny Nobel prize / Better without it]]
''Goran Bubaš, Tihomir Orehovački, Igor Balaban''
== Directing / Focusing / Guidance ==
'''Tuesday, 23 June 2010, 16:00-19:30, ITI 2010 Conference, Session 11A-12A, Orlando'''
[[Overview of earier learning]]
[[Guided discovery]]
'''Workshop program'''
[[Guided reading]]
[[At the top]]
16:00 – 16:15  Registration & introduction
[[Goal definition]]
16:15 – 16:30  Pedagogy of e-learning and Web 2.0 tools (Goran Bubaš, [ PPT], [ Exercise (MS Word)])
== Concept development / Cognitive learning ==
16:30 – 16:45  Categorization of Web 2.0 tools for e-learning (Tihomir Orehovački, [ PPT])
16:45 – 17:00  Selection of Web 2.0 tools (exercise, [ Learning Strategies Matrix])
[[Analogies old-new]]  
17:00 – 17:30  Coffe break
[[Examples and non-examples]]
17:30 - 17:45  Tools for social bookmarking ([ Delicious], [ diigo])
[[Photo / video illustrations]]  
17:45 – 18:00  Photo sharing and online comic strip creation  ([ Flickr], [ Bubblr])
18:00 – 18:15  Mind-mapping tools  ([], [ Mindomo])
18:15 – 18:30  Block-diagram tools  ([ Gliffy], [ Draw Anywhere])
18:30 – 18:45  Online presentations and video podcasting  ([ SlideStory], [ SlideSix])
18:45 – 19:15  Google Docs: online research, collaborattive writing & publishing (Igor Balaban, [ PPT], [ Google Docs])
19:15 – 19:30  Evaluation of Web 2.0 tools and integration of student work in wiki, blog, Ning, e-portfolio and Moodle
[[E-clippings / Copy-paste]]
[[Activity analysis]]
== Knowledge acquisition / Practice ==
[[Organizational activity]]
[[Situation background]]
[[Questions for review]]
[[Chronicles or Timeline]]
== Constructivist teaching and learning ==
[[Lie or truth]]
[[Field trip / Internship report]]
[[Case study]]
== Group conversation / Idea generation ==
[[Brainstorming / Brainwriting]]
[[Focused dialogue / Storytelling]]
== Collaborative learning / Peer learning ==
[[Individual or team research]]
[[State of the art]]
[[Personal diary / Documentation of learning]]

Revision as of 07:25, 15 November 2010

In this section the e-tivities (online learning activities) for students are grouped into categories according to their potential function. It must be noted that one specific e-tivity may serve various functions and be performed with more than one Web 2.0 tool. Also, more traditional Internet tools like e-mail, instant messaging, forum, chat, and videoconferencing may also be used for the implementation of e-tivities, but the focus of our project was to present ideas and solutions that predominantly use Web 2.0 tools.


Attention and motivation / Session openers


Citation or interview



Funny Nobel prize / Better without it

Directing / Focusing / Guidance

Overview of earier learning

Guided discovery

Guided reading

At the top

Goal definition

Concept development / Cognitive learning

Analogies old-new

Examples and non-examples

Photo / video illustrations

E-clippings / Copy-paste

Activity analysis

Knowledge acquisition / Practice

Organizational activity

Situation background

Questions for review


Chronicles or Timeline

Constructivist teaching and learning


Lie or truth

Field trip / Internship report

Case study

Group conversation / Idea generation

Brainstorming / Brainwriting




Focused dialogue / Storytelling

Collaborative learning / Peer learning


Individual or team research

State of the art

Personal diary / Documentation of learning

Personal tools