Mind mapping and block-diagrams in teaching programming
From iProjekt
Teaching computer programming is very often supported with the use of block-diagrams or flowcharts. For the related course "Data Structures" at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb, Croatia, various Web 2.0 tools were used for the creation of flowcharts (Draw Anywhere, Gliffy, Lucid Chart, Project Draw). However, several mind mapping tools were used as well for problem definition and similar purpose (Mind 42, Mindomo, Mindmeister, Wise Mapping).
Various types of Web 2.0 tools were used to create online pedagogical activities, enable peer-to-peer learning and support development of knowledge and skills in programming. These activities were performed on the wiki of the course "Data Structures" (in Croatian langugage; link). The wiki pages were used to present theoretical content and integrate the artifacts created with various Web 2.0 tools. The assignments that were given to students included the use of Web 2.0 tools for explanation, visualization, and providing of examples of various data types and algorithms related to course topics. For this purpose the students used mind mapping and block-diagram tools, as well as video podcasting tools and online notes taking tools.
An example of the use of a mind mapping tool and a block-diagram tool to present the binary tree data structure and a flowchart of an algorithm for its implementation is presented below.
Below is another example of a different mind map of a binary tree and a flowchart for its implementation.