Mind mapping and block-diagrams in teaching Computer-Mediated Communication

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Various Web 2.0 tools were used for the course Computer-Mediated Communication at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb. Tools for mind mapping and block-diagrams (flowcharts) were used for student assignments during this course. The reason for their use was to develop skills in the application of web-based tools and services for diverse purpose, including online knowledge presentation, as well as to illustrate course related topics and facilitate peer-to-peer learning.

During the academic years 2008/2009 and 2009/2010 mind mapping and block-diagram tools were used for simple online pedagogical activities including the project e-tivity. Those activities were designed mostly having in mind cognitivist learning of course related content. For these online activities the Moodle system was used to provide written instruction and links to online examples. First, the use of online tools and student assignments were explained during exercises in a computer lab. The students had to start their work with online tools in class and finish it later at home. To conclude their work they had to place the links to the created online artifacts in their diary of course activities in a blog tool.

For mind mapping the students used Bubbl.us and for block-diagrams the Gliffy Web 2.0 tool was used. The Bubbl.us tool proved to be easy to learn and enabled rather detailed analysis of course related concepts and content. The students had to use mind maps to illustrate online communication skills (e.g. self-disclosure, attentiveness) or phenomena (e.g. Internet addiction, online gaming, privacy). With block-diagram/flowchart tool Gliffy they had to provide instruction how to use a specific online communication tool/service (forum, chat, social network) or how to manifest an online communication skill (attentiveness, persuasion, support, etc.).

In their "project" activity the mind map and block-diagram were used as one of the tools for illustrating an online essay on a broad topic together with text, photos, links to online resources, as well as other artifacts created with Web 2.0 tools (surveys, presentations with audio comment, etc.).

An example of a very detailed mind map created with Bubbl.us is presented below (in Croatian language). The mind map presents an analysis of various aspects of computer literacy.


In the example that is presented below (in Croatian language) the Gliffy tool was used for illustrating attentiveness as an online communication skill..


The example that is presented below illustrates the use of both the mind map and block-diagram in a segment of a project in form of an online essay that was created on the topic of electronic communication at work (link) by student Robert N. The essay is presented online as a blog post which contains links to artifacts created with Web 2.0 tools (a small picture was a link to a larger mind map and block-diagram; other artifacts were online comic strip, online survey, and slide presentation with audio comment)

File:CMC_Blog-Mind-mapping-Block-diagram_Robert N.jpg

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