E-portfolio use for an online diary of attended lectures
From iProjekt
The use of an e-portfolio can be for assessment purpose (to demonstrate student competence and skill by publishing his/her work), development purpose (present the advancement of skills over a period of time), and/or as a "showcase" (presention of exemplary work and proof of skill for potential employers). The individual e-portfolio can contain digitalized artifacts that were created by the student, a diary of activities in which he/she has participated, and/or notes or reflections related to course lectures.
We have used an e-portfolio system Mahara of the Center for e-learning of the University of Zagreb Computing Centre with two small groups of students of the hybrid course "Computer-Mediated Communication". The students had to work on a diary of attended lectures and exercises in the computer laboratory. For each day they had to create a separate "view" to their online diary with notes, links to online resources, and artifacts that they had created during the excercises. This activity engaged students, enabled them to keep track of the lectures and exercises, facilitated peer-to-peer learning and increased the retention of course topics.
For a hosted Mahara-based e-portfolio service you may consider FolioSpaces. Another open-source social networking and e-portfolio system that can be recommended is Elgg (see presentation).
The screenshot with an example of e-portfolio use for a diary of attended lectures is presented below (in Croatian language).