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Main purpose

Podomatic alows you to create, publish and promote podcasts.

PodOmatic is a web application that allows you to create podcast and classify them in a variety of categories. In addition, there are tags that facilitate the search of existing podcasts.

Useful information

There are two main version of Podomatic: basic and pro. The main differences among those two versions are related to storage capacity and bandwidth per month. Anyone can create podcasts through six steps:

  • You have to choose the title and description of the podcast
  • There is an option to select the audio and / or video content of which a podcast will be composed. Audio / video content can be downloaded from the desktop, Media Library or even recorded over microphone or Webcam.
  • It is possible to upload photos or choose them from the Media Library, or enter the URL where the desired photo is located.
  • You can specify keywords or tags that will simplify and facilitate searching of podcasts.
  • Before publishing you can review and make changes over created podcast
  • There are a number of option how podcast can be promote – via popular social networks, social bookmarking sites, e-mail, etc.

Pros & Cons


  • ease of registration
  • possibility of promotion of created podcasts


  • incompatibility with some web browsers
  • lack of soung in created podcasts
  • the process of making a podcast is too long


Tool accessibility test (28 July 2010)

Server Response Time test performed from Seattle, WA / Munich, Germany / Brisbane, Australia : 0.226 sec / 1.233 sec / 1.613 sec

Server Response Time Scale: Less than 0,1 = Optimal; 0,1 - 1 = Acceptable; 1 - 4 = Noticable but tolerable delay; 4 - 8 = Bearly tolerant delay

This tool has help included on the tool's webpage (link): http://www.podomatic.com/help/articles

There is no possiblity of changing the type or size of fonts in the tool (it can be done only as a browser functionality).

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