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Main purpose

is simple web application for brainstorming.

Useful information

To use all the possibilities offered by this tool, you must create an account on the site bubbl.us.

Register and login to web service Bubbl.us

Pros & Cons


  • Creation of colored mental maps
  • Option of online sharing of mental maps
  • The possibility of linking to your blog or website
  • Ability to store mental maps as a picture


  • Can't add links or images
  • Bubbles are not suitable for larger mind maps


Tool accessibility test (28 July 2010)

Server Response Time test performed from Seattle, WA / Munich, Germany / Brisbane, Australia : 0.178 sec / 0.724 sec / 3.097 sec

Server Response Time Scale: Less than 0,1 = Optimal; 0,1 - 1 = Acceptable; 1 - 4 = Noticable but tolerable delay; 4 - 8 = Bearly tolerant delay

This tool has no help included on the tool's webpage.

There is no possiblity of changing the type or size of fonts in the tool (it can be done only as a browser functionality).

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