Zoho Notebook
From iProjekt
Contents |
Main purpose
Zoho Notebook is an online application for creating any type of content on a single notebook page that can be easily shared with others.
Useful information
Before you can use this application, you have to either sign in or sign up with Google, Yahoo or Facebook account. When a notebook page is created, you can publish it or send its URL to others, who can view it via Web browser. There are also Firefox and Chrome plug-ins which facilitate taking notes during the web browsing. In addition, Zoho Notebook enables importing documents which has been created with Google Notebook. The real-time collaboration feature allows multiple users to work on a document at the same time - you can assign different parts (known as objects) of the same document to various people. Besides, in the notebook footer you can find useful information about document version, number of viewers and number of comments.
Pros & Cons
- free for individual users
- real-time collaboration
- simple user interface
- allows managing multiple sources of content
- implemented autosave feature
- lack of formatting options
- it is not easy to format existing text or pictures
Tool accessibility test (28 July 2010)
Server Response Time test performed from Seattle, WA / Munich, Germany / Brisbane, Australia : 0.211 sec / 1.027 sec / 1.417 sec
Server Response Time Scale: Less than 0,1 = Optimal; 0,1 - 1 = Acceptable; 1 - 4 = Noticable but tolerable delay; 4 - 8 = Bearly tolerant delay
This tool has help included on the tool's webpage (link): http://notebook.zoho.com/nb/public/zohonotebook/page/7427000000022105
There is no possiblity of changing the type or size of fonts in the tool (it can be done only as a browser functionality).