E-clippings / Copy-paste

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In the E-clippings / Copy-paste e-tivity the students search for citations from web resources, make collections of links or embed media files in their online notes, wiki pages, blog posts, or e-portfolio pages. In this simple e-tivity the instructor creates a list of topics related to a lecture or the course and the students search for related documents, photos, video or audio recordings, web pages or blog posts, etc. They can also make screen captures (screenshots) of online resources. The students can work individually or in a group. The collections of e-clipps, links or media files are presented on course pages (preferably a wiki) or on the blogs, e-portfolio pages, and other online documents of students.

This is a cognitive learning activity that facilitates concept formation and supports peer learning. For this e-tivity a wiki or a blog tool could be used by the instructor. Also, e-portfolio, blogs, notes sharing tools, or collaborative writing tools can be used by students. Finally, social bookmarking tools (Delicious, Diigo) could be used for collections of links to web resources.