From iProjekt
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Main purpose
is great tool for organizing and sharing photos and videos online. It is one of the largest photo database online, and it has more than 4 billion photos stored in Flickr database. It has been translated to the 10 world languages.Flickr tool enables powerful manipulation with photos that includes:
* adding details about photos (titles, locations, tags and descriptions) * mapping photos with the location maps * organizing photos into sets or collections * advanced searching options that support Creative Commons licensed content.
Useful information
Flickr Community Guidelines can been seen here. There is free version and paid version. Commercial version offers options like:
* Unlimited files storage * Unlimited sets and collections * To see statistics on your account * Ad-free browsing and sharing * HD playback for high-definition video uploads * Photo book
Practical feature is Send FlickrMail, which allows contact with person that shared specific photo. Other useful information that Flickr is offering is possibility to see:
- official NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- the White House photostream
- one of the world's greatest photography archives including:
Pros & Cons
- tagging of photos
- adding people to photos for reference
- adding notes to the photos
- adding comments to photos
- showing recent activities: activities on publisher photos, replies to comments and messages
- possibility to disable (mute) following on recent activity
- setting privacy options (anyone, only friends, only family, only you or trough guest pass)
- sharing and publishing photos on other social pages (Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Yahoo! Updates)
- creating Flickr badge or slideshow to add on a website
- creation of groups with possibility to share content and conversation (privately or public)
- possibility to edit pictures online, and to make prints, photo products etc.
- only 2 videos and 100 megabytes a month of storage for a free account.
- no e-mail notice about photo comments
- no export option