E-portfolio use for presentation of student assignments

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The e-portfolio can be a very effective means for the presentation of student assignments, including the artifacts that they create in various Web 2.0 tools and project reports. If the students are already using an e-portfolio system at their college/university, they can be asked present their course related work on a separate "view" (link to instructions for creating a view).

To introduce the students to the use of e-portfolio we have asked them to create their showcase portfolio. The use of an e-portfolio for showcase purpose is common at university institutions (see link). Their motivation to present themselves online to coleagues may facilitate their learning how to use related e-portfolio functionalities.

When the students managed the technical part of eportfolio use, the next step was to ask of the students to present their completed assignments or a project on separate e-portfolio views. However, when they were writing an e-portfolio based diary of course lectures/exercises the presentation of their work was placed on views created on dates when when they were given the assignment.

An example of an e-portfolio view with the results of a team project (in Croatian language) is presented below. Teams of students of the course "Organizational Communication" were given assignments to present a specific topic of the course on an e-portfolio view with the use of Web 2.0 tools and at least partly in form of one or more selected e-tivities. The project topic of the presented example was "Communication between different levels in organization".


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