Wiki use for presenting student assignments

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A wiki system like MediaWiki can be effectively used by generations of students of a single course. The MediaWiki was used for several courses at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb, Croatia. For each course a separate MediaWiki was installed on college server. The wiki was used for the creation of course related glossary/dictionary as well as for the presentation of the results of student assignments. These assignments were in form of (1) definitions of concepts, (2) essays on course related topics, (3) projects that were divided into several subprojects which were assigned to groups/teams of students, (4) various online pedagogical activities or e-tivities that were presented on wiki pages.

The use of the wiki for online student activities is well documented in literature [1] and in some cases even the Wikipedia was used in classroom (link to the list of school and university projects). For those teachers who do not have the resources or skills to install the MediaWiki or some other wiki engine on a server the Wikispaces website offers a free or low cost alternative.

The Engwiki site is perhaps the best example of presentation of student's assignments on a wiki. This project used the MediaWiki for the hybrid university course "English language 1". In this wiki project the teacher had defined e-tivities for students and the students created the content for each e-tivity on separate wiki pages. The e-tivities were classified into predominantly extensive e-tivities, predominantly intensive e-tivities, and session openers. See the screenshot below and follow this link.


For instance, one e-tivity performed by the students was to describe textually and depict with a flowchart of how to create digital music. This example is presented on the following screenshot.


An example of the wiki page which presents the result of a project as online student activity is presented in the following screenshot. The students of the course "Customer Relationship Management" (CRM) were divided into 12 teams. The main project was to elaborate various possibilities for CRM in a medium-sized publishing company. Each team had to choose a subproject/subtopic and develop contents for wiki pages with theory and practical solutions. Each subproject/subtopic was covered by two parallel teams. The screenshot of the wiki page related to the subtopic "Contact centres and channels for contacts with clients" has links (in blue color) to separate wiki pages with text on more specific issues (see below).


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