Case studies and practical experiences

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Several case studies and practical experiences with Web 2.0 tools will be presented on this wiki page. In the 2008/2009 and 2009/2010 academic year we have used various web 2.0 tools in academic courses. In fact, about 50 Web 2.0 tools were used in different kinds of online learning activities.


Wiki use in academic courses

Wiki dictionaires: several examples

Wiki use for organizational activity: cases at FOI, University of Zagreb

Wiki use for organizational activity: cases at FER, University of Zagreb

Wiki use for presentation of student assignments

E-portfolio use in academic courses

E-portfolio use as for an online diary of attended lectures

E-portfolio use for presentation of student assignments

Online community tools in academic courses

Ning use in courses for part-time students

SocialGo in teaching English as a second language

Mind mapping and block-diagram tools in academic courses

Mind mapping and block-diagrams in teaching English

Mind mapping and block-diagrams in teaching programming

Mind mapping and block-diagrams in teaching Computer-Mediated Communication

Multiple Web 2.0 tools in academic courses

The case of the Computer-Mediated Communication course

The case of the Organizational Communication course

Moodle use in combination Web 2.0 tools in academic courses

Cases of blog use

Blog as an online diary tool

Blog for presentation of students' projects

Published papers with case studies

Practical experiences related to the use of Web 2.0 tools in university courses at the University of Zagreb and usability analyses of some of those tools are described in the following conference papers.

Several case studies of the use of Web 2.0 tools in university courses are briefly presented as well as usability analyses of selected Web 2.0 tools in the paper "Evaluation of Web 2.0 Tools in the e-Learning Context: Case Studies Related to Pedagogy and Usability". (Link to PDF). This paper Paper will be presented at the 16th Congress of the European University Information Systems Organisation - EUNIS 2010 (Warsaw, Poland, 23-25 June 2010).

A case study of the use of an online community tool Ning in one university course with a brief usability analyses of this Web 2.0 tool is presented in the paper entitled "Evaluation of the Use of the Online Community Tool Ning for Support of Student Interaction and Learning". (Link to PDF). This paper is submitted to the Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems 2010 (Varazdin, Croatia, 22–24 September 2010).)