Case studies and practical experiences
From iProjekt
Practical experiences related to the use of Web 2.0 tools in university courses at the University of Zagreb and usability analyses of some of those tools are described in the following conference papers.
Several case studies are briefly presented as well as usability analyses of selected Web 2.0 tools in the paper "Evaluation of Web 2.0 Tools in the e-Learning Context: Case Studies Related to Pedagogy and Usability". (Link to PDF). This paper Paper will be presented at the 16th Congress of the European University Information Systems Organisation - EUNIS 2010 (Warsaw, Poland, 23-25 June 2010).
A case study of the use of an online community tool Ning with a brief usability analyses of this Web 2.0 tool in the paper entitled "Evaluation of the Use of the Online Community Tool Ning for Support of Student Interaction and Learning". (Link to PDF). This paper is submitted to the Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems 2010 (Varazdin, Croatia, 22–24 September 2010).)