From iProjekt

Vixy is a proffesional tool for downloading video from Youtube website.
Main purpose
Vixy is a proffesional tool for downloading video from Youtube website.
Tool accessibility test (15 June 2010)
Server Response Time test performed from Seattle, WA / Munich, Germany / Brisbane, Australia : 0.944 sec / 2.130 sec / 2.030 sec
Server Response Time Scale: Less than 0,1 = Optimal; 0,1 - 1 = Acceptable; 1 - 4 = Noticable but tolerable delay; 4 - 8 = Bearly tolerant delay
This tool has help included on the tool's webpage (link):
There is no possiblity of changing the type or size of fonts in the tool (it can be done only as a browser functionality).