Personal diary / Documentation of learning

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Image:Computer-Classroom1.jpg‎ Image:Keyboard-Writing1.GIF

The meaning of the Personal diary / Documentation of learning e-tivity is to facilitate retention and stimulate reflection on the content and process of learning. Basically, what the students have to do is write online about the topics of lectures and how they experience them, as well as how they manage the exercises and what are the outcomes of their work. If their practical work for a certain course can be produced or documented in eletronic form (as PDF documents, photographs, or video recordings), they can embed or attach these artifacts to their electronic diary. An e-portfolio system or blog are perhaps the best choice for this e-tivity, but they can be also combined with other Web 2.0 tools for video sharing (YouTube), online cartoon strips (Bubblr), etc. The sharing of personal learning diaries with other students may help those who missed a lecture or were not able to regularely attend class, as well as those who have difficulty in keeping pace with the course program.

The best choice of Web 2.0 tools for this e-tivity are e-portfolio systems (Mahara, FolioSpaces) or blogging tools. Also, collaborative writing tools (Google docs, Zoho), notes taking tools, wiki or online presentations / video tagging tools can be used.

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