From iProjekt
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Glavna namjena
Mahara is free and open-source ePortfolio, Blog, Resumé Builder and Social Networking system. It was built in 2006 and it is based on plugin architecture so it can be scaled very easily. Except internal file repository, three main parts can be identified in Mahara: 1. Artefacts (i.e. digital materials that can be in a form of file, Blog, feed or external link), 2. Views (a collection of artefacts presented to wider audience), and 3. Groups (the posibility of joining private or public groups for Social Networking purpose).
Korisne informacije
Mahara can be integrated with Moodle LMS(version 1.9 and above) using SSO (Single-Sign-On). That way upon logging in to Moodle, the user is automatically logged in into Mahara also. The personal CV can be very easily built using the built-in Resumé Builder. Blogs on the other hand can be used for less formal presentation. The latest version of Mahara enables export in Europass CV format.
See video tutorial on using Mahara.
Prednosti i nedostaci
- Probably one of the best ePortfolio systems
- Integration with Moodle
- Free
- Very easy to use (user-friendly interface)
- Bugs and requirements for improvement are solved very quicly
- Minor incompatibility issues with some browsers
- Search engine does not work with artefacts
Test pristupačnosti alatu (28. srpanj 2010)
Testiranje vremena odaziva servera izvršeno je iz: Seattle, WA / Munich, Germany / Brisbane, Australia : 0.771 sec / 0.955 sec / 1.257 sec
Tumačenje rezultata: manje od 0,1 = optimalno; 0,1 - 1 = prihvatljivo; 1 - 4 = primjetno ali podnošljivo kašnjenje; 4 - 8 = jedva podnošljivo kašnjenje
Ovaj alat ima web stranice za pomoć korisnicima (engl. help pages) dostupne na:
Ne postoji mogućnost promjene pisma i veličine slova za ovaj alat (jedino ukoliko je mogućnost ugrađena u Internet preglednik).