Google Docs

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GoogleDocs enable file sharing and collaboration using the Office tools functionalities.


Main purpose

Google Docs is online Web application for editing and sharing documents, spreadsheets, presentations and forms. It contains basic features of Office tools so it can open and edit almost any Microsoft Office or OpenOffice file format as well as view PDFs.

Useful information

You need Google account to log in into Google Docs. If you do not have an account, you can create one by clicking "Create an account" on login page. Moreover, Google Docs enables tight integration with OpenOffice thanks to extensions. That way user can edit documents offline using the OpenOffice tools and save files online.

Watch interesting videos on using Google docs.

Pros & Cons


  • Online application
  • Easy to use
  • Document sharing and collaboration
  • Integration with desktop applications
  • Document can be published as a Web page
  • Enables document search
  • Very easy and fast data gathering with Forms
  • It supports opening the documents that are stored both online and offline(on local computer)


  • Only basic Office functionalities
  • Incompatibility with documents containing advanced functions and formats (MailMerge, PowerPoint transitions and effects, cells locking in Excel...)


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