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Revision as of 22:27, 11 November 2010 by AuthorFOI (Talk | contribs)
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Main purpose

Pastebin is online paste service. It enables users to share various snippets of text, config files, source code and other textual content. It's popularity is based on the use in instant messaging and IRC channels, where useres want to share a snippet of source code or a configuration file. The user simply submits the content and copy/pastes the URL of his paste to the IM or IRC conversation.

Useful information

Each paste can be retained for 10 minutes, one hour, one day or one month. In addition, private pastes can be made where the paste isn't shown in the history bar, and only the person that knows the secret URL can read and modify the post. Also, users can create subdomains and organize their pastes in them. In addition to the above mentioned features pastebin enables syntax highlighting for programmers, which improves readability of the pasted code.

Pros & Cons


  • Easy and simple paste system
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Subdomains


  • CAPTCHA verifications where the user has to enter the letters he sees in a picture to prove he isn't a software robot can be frustrating when a user just wants to share a couple of lines of code.


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