Google Wave

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Google Wave


Main purpose

Google Wave is application for real-time communication and collaboration. The idea was to develop a system that would integrate advantages of e-mail and forums in real-time. The backbone of the system is a wave which behaves like a thread and it can be in a form of discussion, document, message etc. User initiates a wave and joins other users that can track changes and make contribution.

Useful information

Google Wave provides suport for both on-line and offline communication. In first step user creates a wave which can be just text message or enriched type of communication such as video file. In the next step, the owner adds other users and manage their rights (such as read only or full access). Communication can begin! Users can drag&drop forms, Google maps and other text and multimedia documents in the wave.

See video tutorial on using Google Wave

Pros & Cons


  • Very easy document exchange (supports drag&drop)
  • Improves communication between two or more persons
  • Free
  • It could replace e-mail messages in the future


  • No Gmail integration
  • Not accepted as expected so far


Tool accessibility test (28 July 2010)

Server Response Time test performed from Seattle, WA / Munich, Germany / Brisbane, Australia : 0.217 sec / 0.256 sec / 0.881 sec

Server Response Time Scale: Less than 0,1 = Optimal; 0,1 - 1 = Acceptable; 1 - 4 = Noticable but tolerable delay; 4 - 8 = Bearly tolerant delay

This tool has help included on the tool's webpage (link):

There is no possiblity of changing the type or size of fonts in the tool (it can be done only as a browser functionality).

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