Brainstorming / Brainwriting

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The Brainstorming / Brainwriting e-tivity is based on synchnonous or asynchronous group discussion and can be performed with the use of traditional Internet tools like chat or forum, as well as instant messaging tools like Google Talk or Google Wave. Wiki and collaborative writing tools (Zoho Writer, Springnote, Google Docs - documents) can also be used in case of asynchronous discussions. The main goal of the Brainstorming / Brainwriting e-tivity is idea generation and facilitation of individual and group creativity. This activity should be performed in an atmosphere of confidence and openness among group members. The problem or goal for the discussion should be clearly defined, accepted by all group members, and worth the effort of participants and rather complex use of technology. The common result of this e-tivity is documentation of the discussion in form of a transcript or log file that can be used for analysis and selection of best ideas for a given problem/task.

This e-tivity can be very well supported with the use of social networking tools (Ning, SocialGo). Other potentially applicable Web 2.0 tools are those that are designed for chat and instant messaging (Google Talk, Google Wave) and collaborative writing (Springnote, Zoho). For sequential and more asynchronous forms of idea generation, with sessions that last several hours or days, a wiki system can be utilized.