Goal definition

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The Goal definition e-tivity is performed to direct and motivate the students to perform specific tasks that are related to the content or activities of a course or a lecture. In this e-tivity the instuctor can present goals and then ask the students to comment them, provide feedback, create implementation plans, etc. Also, the instructor can ask of the students (individuals or groups/teams) to identify and develop their goals and implementation plans in relation to course topics and tasks that they have to perform to pass the course. Finally, the students can formulate their individual developmental goals in relation to specific learning outcomes or competencies that are mentioned in the course syllabus.

In case of developmental goals this e-tivity is best performed with e-portfolio systems (Mahara, FolioSpaces). Also, wiki or blog, collaborative writing tools (Google Docs, Zoho Writer), or tools for notes taking (Springnote) can be used.

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