Znanstveni radovi i prezentacije s konferencija

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== Prezentacije sa konferencije ==
== Prezentacije sa konferencija ==
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Bubaš, Goran; Ćorić, Ana; Orehovački, Tihomir (2010). '''The evaluation of the use of online community tool Ning for support of student interaction and learning''' [Vrednovanje korištenja online društvenog alata Ning za potporu studentskoj interakciji i učenju] ([http://e.foi.hr/iProjekt/images/2/2b/Bubas_Coric_Orehovacki-LaTeX_final.pdf Link to PDF]). Prezentirano na [http://www.ceciis.foi.hr/cms/ '''Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems - CECIIS 2010'''], Varaždin, 22.–24. rujna 2010.
Bubaš, Goran; Ćorić, Ana; Orehovački, Tihomir (2010). '''The evaluation of the use of online community tool Ning for support of student interaction and learning''' [Vrednovanje korištenja online društvenog alata Ning za potporu studentskoj interakciji i učenju] ([http://e.foi.hr/iProjekt/images/2/2b/Bubas_Coric_Orehovacki-LaTeX_final.pdf Link na PDF]). Prezentirano na [http://www.ceciis.foi.hr/cms/ '''Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems - CECIIS 2010'''], Varaždin, 22.–24. rujna 2010.
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Kovačić, Andreja (2010). '''Pathways to collaborative learning: Using Web 2.0 in teaching grammar''' ([http://e.foi.hr/iProjekt/images/5/59/E-learning-day-2010_Graz_Kovacic.pdf Abstract]). Presented at the [http://virtual-campus.fh-joanneum.at/vcblog/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/elearningtag10_programm_260810_final.pdf "E-learning day"/"eLearning Tag 2010"]), [http://www.fh-joanneum.at/aw/~a/home/?lan=en '''FH JOANNEUM'''], Graz, Austria, 20 September 2010.
Kovačić, Andreja (2010). '''Pathways to collaborative learning: Using Web 2.0 in teaching grammar''' [Putevi za kolaborativno učenje. Koristeći Web 2.0 alate u učenju gramatike] ([http://e.foi.hr/iProjekt/images/5/59/E-learning-day-2010_Graz_Kovacic.pdf Abstract]). Prezentirano na [http://virtual-campus.fh-joanneum.at/vcblog/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/elearningtag10_programm_260810_final.pdf "E-learning day"/"eLearning Tag 2010"]), [http://www.fh-joanneum.at/aw/~a/home/?lan=en '''FH JOANNEUM'''], Graz, Austrija, 20. rujan 2010.
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Kovačić, Andreja; Bubaš, Goran; Ćorić, Ana (2010). '''Mobilizing students’ grammar skills through collaborative e-tivities with Web 2.0 tools''' ([http://student.foi.hr/~gbubas/EUROCALL_PPT_Kovacic-Bubas-Coric.pdf PPT in PDF]). Presented at the [http://eurocall2010.u-bordeaux4.fr/ '''EUROCALL 2010'''] conference, Bordeaux, France, 8-11 September 2010.
Kovačić, Andreja; Bubaš, Goran; Ćorić, Ana (2010). '''Mobilizing students’ grammar skills through collaborative e-tivities with Web 2.0 tools''' [Mobiliziranje gramatičkih vještina studenata kroz kolaborativne aktivnosti za interaktivno suradničko online učenje sa Web 2.0 alatima]  ([http://student.foi.hr/~gbubas/EUROCALL_PPT_Kovacic-Bubas-Coric.pdf PPT u PDF-u]). Prezentirano na [http://eurocall2010.u-bordeaux4.fr/ '''EUROCALL 2010'''] konferenciji, Bordeaux, Francuska, 8.-11. rujna 2010.
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Orehovački, Tihomir (2010). '''Perceived Quality of Cloud Based Applications for Collaborative Writing''' ([http://e.foi.hr/iProjekt/images/5/52/Orehovacki_ISD.pdf PPT in PDF]). Paper presented at the [http://www.ksi.mff.cuni.cz/isd2010/ '''19th International Conference on Information Systems Development'''], Prague, Czech Republic, August 25-27, 2010.
Orehovački, Tihomir (2010). '''Perceived Quality of Cloud Based Applications for Collaborative Writing''' [Percipirana kvaliteta 'Cloud based' aplikacija za skupno pisanje] ([http://e.foi.hr/iProjekt/images/5/52/Orehovacki_ISD.pdf PPT u PDF-u]). Rad prezentiran na [http://www.ksi.mff.cuni.cz/isd2010/ '''19th International Conference on Information Systems Development'''], Prag, Češka Republika, 25.-27 kolovoza, 2010.
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Bubaš, Goran; Orehovački, Tihomir; Balaban, Igor; Ćorić, Ana (2010). '''Evaluation of Web 2.0 Tools in the e-Learning Context: Case Studies Related to Pedagogy and Usability''' ([http://e.foi.hr/iProjekt/images/8/80/Eunis-2010-Paper-ID-94_Bubas-Orehovacki-Balaban-Coric.pdf Link to PDF]). Presented at the '''16th Congress of the European University Information Systems Organisation''' - [http://www.eunis.pl/ EUNIS 2010], Warsaw, Poland, 23-25 June 2010.
Bubaš, Goran; Orehovački, Tihomir; Balaban, Igor; Ćorić, Ana (2010). '''Evaluation of Web 2.0 Tools in the e-Learning Context: Case Studies Related to Pedagogy and Usability''' [Evaluacija Web 2.0 alata u e-learning kontekstu: Studije slučaja vezanih uz pedagogiju i upotrebljivost] ([http://e.foi.hr/iProjekt/images/8/80/Eunis-2010-Paper-ID-94_Bubas-Orehovacki-Balaban-Coric.pdf Link na PDF]). Prezentirano na '''16th Congress of the European University Information Systems Organisation''' - [http://www.eunis.pl/ EUNIS 2010], Varšava, Poljska, 23.-25. lipnja 2010.
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Orehovački, Tihomir (2010). '''Proposal for a Set of Quality Attributes Relevant for Web 2.0 Application Success''' ([http://e.foi.hr/iProjekt/images/e/e6/Orehovacki_ITI.pdf PPT in PDF], [http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=5546431 IEEE link]). Presented at the [http://iti2010.srce.hr/1996.0.html '''32nd International Conference Information Technology Interfaces - ITI 2010'''], 21-24 June 2010, Cavtat, Croatia.
Orehovački, Tihomir (2010). '''Proposal for a Set of Quality Attributes Relevant for Web 2.0 Application Success''' [Prijedlog za set atributa kvalitete relevantnih za uspješnu Web 2.0 aplikaciju] ([http://e.foi.hr/iProjekt/images/e/e6/Orehovacki_ITI.pdf PPT u PDF-u], [http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=5546431 IEEE link]). Prezentirano na [http://iti2010.srce.hr/1996.0.html '''32nd International Conference Information Technology Interfaces - ITI 2010'''], 21.-24. lipnja 2010. u Cavtatu.
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Balaban, Igor; Bubaš, Goran (2010). '''Educational Potentials of ePortfolio Systems: Student Evaluations of Mahara and Elgg''' ([http://e.foi.hr/iProjekt/images/9/92/ITI2010_Balaban-Bubas.pdf PPT in PDF], [http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=5546436 IEEE link]). Presented at the [http://iti2010.srce.hr/1996.0.html '''32nd International Conference Information Technology Interfaces - ITI 2010'''], Cavtat, Croatia, 21-24 June 2010.  
Balaban, Igor; Bubaš, Goran (2010). '''Educational Potentials of ePortfolio Systems: Student Evaluations of Mahara and Elgg''' [Obrazovni potencijali ePortfolio sustava: Studentske procjene Mahare i Elgga] ([http://e.foi.hr/iProjekt/images/9/92/ITI2010_Balaban-Bubas.pdf PPT u PDF-u], [http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=5546436 IEEE link]). Prezentirano na [http://iti2010.srce.hr/1996.0.html '''32nd International Conference Information Technology Interfaces - ITI 2010'''], 21.-24. lipnja 2010. u Cavtatu.
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Kovačić, Andreja;  [http://www.ngberger.com/ Berger, Norbert] (2010). [http://flsp.technikum-wien.at/FLSP_2010/Abstract_15_-_Kovacic.html '''Web 2.0 Contributions to ESP: Beyond Novelty?'''] ([http://flsp.technikum-wien.at/FLSP_2010/Abstract_15_-_Kovacic.html Link to presentation video]). Presented at the [http://flsp.technikum-wien.at/FLSP_2010/Welcome.html '''6th Austrian UAS Language Instructors’ Conference: New Technologies – Old Teaching Methods?'''], UAS Technikum Wien, Vienna, 7-8 May 2010.
Kovačić, Andreja;  [http://www.ngberger.com/ Berger, Norbert] (2010). [http://flsp.technikum-wien.at/FLSP_2010/Abstract_15_-_Kovacic.html '''Web 2.0 Contributions to ESP: Beyond Novelty?'''] [Web 2.0 doprinosi za ESP: Izvan novosti?] ([http://flsp.technikum-wien.at/FLSP_2010/Abstract_15_-_Kovacic.html Link na video prezentacije]). Prezentirano na [http://flsp.technikum-wien.at/FLSP_2010/Welcome.html '''6th Austrian UAS Language Instructors’ Conference: New Technologies – Old Teaching Methods?'''], UAS Technikum Wien, Beč, Austrija 7.-8. svibnja 2010.
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Kovačić, Andreja (2010). '''Using Web 2.0 Tools To Engage Students In Collaborative Writing And Grammar E-Tivities''' ([http://e.foi.hr/iProjekt/images/2/23/HUPE-2010_Opatija_Kovacic.pdf Abstract]). Presented at the [http://www.hupe.hr/conference.php '''18th Annual HUPE Conference'''], Opatija, Croatia, 15-18 April 2010.
Kovačić, Andreja (2010). '''Using Web 2.0 Tools To Engage Students In Collaborative Writing And Grammar E-Tivities''' [Korištenje Web 2.0 alata za aktiviranje studenata u kolaborativnom pisanju i gramatičkim aktivnostima za interaktivno suradničko online učenje] ([http://e.foi.hr/iProjekt/images/2/23/HUPE-2010_Opatija_Kovacic.pdf Abstract]). Prezentirano na [http://www.hupe.hr/conference.php '''18th Annual HUPE Conference'''], Opatija, 15.-18. travnja 2010.
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Balaban, Igor; Bubaš, Goran (2009). [http://bib.irb.hr/prikazi-rad?&rad=433375 '''Evaluating an ePortfolio system: the Case of a Hybrid University Course'''] ([http://e.foi.hr/iProjekt/images/c/c9/ICL-2009_Balaban_Bubas_PPT.pdf PPT in PDF]). Presented at the conference [http://www.icl-conference.org/icl2009/ '''Interactive Computer Aided Learning (ICL) 2009: The Challenges of Life Long Learning'''], Villach, Austria, 23-25 September 2009.
Balaban, Igor; Bubaš, Goran (2009). [http://bib.irb.hr/prikazi-rad?&rad=433375 '''Evaluating an ePortfolio system: the Case of a Hybrid University Course'''] [Vrednovanje ePortfolio sustava: Slučaj hibridnog sveučilišnog kolegija] ([http://e.foi.hr/iProjekt/images/c/c9/ICL-2009_Balaban_Bubas_PPT.pdf PPT u PDF-u]). Prezentirano na konferenciji [http://www.icl-conference.org/icl2009/ '''Interactive Computer Aided Learning (ICL) 2009: The Challenges of Life Long Learning'''], Villach, Austrija, 23.-25. rujan 2009.

Current revision as of 12:03, 23 March 2011

Prezentacije sa konferencija


Bubaš, Goran; Ćorić, Ana; Orehovački, Tihomir (2010). The evaluation of the use of online community tool Ning for support of student interaction and learning [Vrednovanje korištenja online društvenog alata Ning za potporu studentskoj interakciji i učenju] (Link na PDF). Prezentirano na Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems - CECIIS 2010, Varaždin, 22.–24. rujna 2010.


Kovačić, Andreja (2010). Pathways to collaborative learning: Using Web 2.0 in teaching grammar [Putevi za kolaborativno učenje. Koristeći Web 2.0 alate u učenju gramatike] (Abstract). Prezentirano na "E-learning day"/"eLearning Tag 2010"), FH JOANNEUM, Graz, Austrija, 20. rujan 2010.


Kovačić, Andreja; Bubaš, Goran; Ćorić, Ana (2010). Mobilizing students’ grammar skills through collaborative e-tivities with Web 2.0 tools [Mobiliziranje gramatičkih vještina studenata kroz kolaborativne aktivnosti za interaktivno suradničko online učenje sa Web 2.0 alatima] (PPT u PDF-u). Prezentirano na EUROCALL 2010 konferenciji, Bordeaux, Francuska, 8.-11. rujna 2010.


Orehovački, Tihomir (2010). Perceived Quality of Cloud Based Applications for Collaborative Writing [Percipirana kvaliteta 'Cloud based' aplikacija za skupno pisanje] (PPT u PDF-u). Rad prezentiran na 19th International Conference on Information Systems Development, Prag, Češka Republika, 25.-27 kolovoza, 2010.


Bubaš, Goran; Orehovački, Tihomir; Balaban, Igor; Ćorić, Ana (2010). Evaluation of Web 2.0 Tools in the e-Learning Context: Case Studies Related to Pedagogy and Usability [Evaluacija Web 2.0 alata u e-learning kontekstu: Studije slučaja vezanih uz pedagogiju i upotrebljivost] (Link na PDF). Prezentirano na 16th Congress of the European University Information Systems Organisation - EUNIS 2010, Varšava, Poljska, 23.-25. lipnja 2010.


Orehovački, Tihomir (2010). Proposal for a Set of Quality Attributes Relevant for Web 2.0 Application Success [Prijedlog za set atributa kvalitete relevantnih za uspješnu Web 2.0 aplikaciju] (PPT u PDF-u, IEEE link). Prezentirano na 32nd International Conference Information Technology Interfaces - ITI 2010, 21.-24. lipnja 2010. u Cavtatu.


Balaban, Igor; Bubaš, Goran (2010). Educational Potentials of ePortfolio Systems: Student Evaluations of Mahara and Elgg [Obrazovni potencijali ePortfolio sustava: Studentske procjene Mahare i Elgga] (PPT u PDF-u, IEEE link). Prezentirano na 32nd International Conference Information Technology Interfaces - ITI 2010, 21.-24. lipnja 2010. u Cavtatu.


Kovačić, Andreja; Berger, Norbert (2010). Web 2.0 Contributions to ESP: Beyond Novelty? [Web 2.0 doprinosi za ESP: Izvan novosti?] (Link na video prezentacije). Prezentirano na 6th Austrian UAS Language Instructors’ Conference: New Technologies – Old Teaching Methods?, UAS Technikum Wien, Beč, Austrija 7.-8. svibnja 2010.


Kovačić, Andreja (2010). Using Web 2.0 Tools To Engage Students In Collaborative Writing And Grammar E-Tivities [Korištenje Web 2.0 alata za aktiviranje studenata u kolaborativnom pisanju i gramatičkim aktivnostima za interaktivno suradničko online učenje] (Abstract). Prezentirano na 18th Annual HUPE Conference, Opatija, 15.-18. travnja 2010.


Balaban, Igor; Bubaš, Goran (2009). Evaluating an ePortfolio system: the Case of a Hybrid University Course [Vrednovanje ePortfolio sustava: Slučaj hibridnog sveučilišnog kolegija] (PPT u PDF-u). Prezentirano na konferenciji Interactive Computer Aided Learning (ICL) 2009: The Challenges of Life Long Learning, Villach, Austrija, 23.-25. rujan 2009.

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